Our DNA/Paternity Testing Services are by appointment only.  Separate appointments can be set for each party and appointments can be set to occur on the same day or within 24 hours of one another if the parties schedule allows. 
Cases involving legal action include collection as follows:
    Standard Trio - Mother, Child, Alleged Father
    Single Parent - Child, Alleged Father (if Mother is not available)
    Maternity - Mother and Child

Legal cases also include one(1) legal packet to be forwarded to an attorney.  Any additional legal packets incur additional costs. 
Non-Legal collections include the following services:

    Standard Trio - Mother, Child, Alleged Father
    Single Parent - Child, Alleged Father
    Maternity - Mother and Child

    Grandparentage - Mother, Child and both Paternal Grandparents

    Gencodex - This is a personal DNA profile for your records

In all testing the Mother is utilized as a control and helps to identify the genes that the child inherited from their Mother and eliminate them from consideration. 
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